Chapter 61

here is the promised release of chapter 61 i know it was released first on royal road several months ago but i have finally posted it, i am at 800 words on the next chapter and i hope to finish it in the next day or so barring that my classes don’t get in the way.


—————————————-Azazel POV————————-

            “It’s almost time to wake daddy up,” I excitedly whispered as I watched the beam of sunlight creep across the cavern floor. “Only a little bit more and I can wake up daddy and have a good breakfast.”

            Just as the light hit the line I rushed into daddy’s room, “Daddy it’s time to get up!” I shouted; hugging daddy’s nose.

            “Azazel, just two more hours.” Daddy mumbled in his sleepy voice as he does every morning.

            “No daddy, you told me that I have to get you up no matter what because you need to finish making Aesthyra’s home and I’m hungry so it’s time to get up.” I replied, trying to lift up Daddy’s nose.

            I kept trying to push up when Daddy sighed, “Ok I’ll get up, go wake up Ryan and tell him it’s his turn to cook.”

            “Yay!,” I replied. I jumped off Daddy’s hoard and ran to Uncle Ryan’s room. I stopped just before I entered and tiptoed right up next to Uncle Ryan. Sneaking up I leaned over and just like every morning I yelled in uncle Ryan’s ear, “Uncle Ryan it’s time to get up! And Daddy said it your turn to make breakfast.”

            “Jesus!” Ryan swore as he bolted awake, “Why do you do that every morning?”

            “Because if I don’t you won’t get up and will miss breakfast making him grumpy all day.” I replied trying not to laugh at Uncle Ryan’s silly face.

            I left after Uncle Ryan gave me the scary face that he always uses when he wants me to go away. I walked back to my room played with the blocks from daddy’s home until Ryan finishes breakfast. I had just finished assaulting the castle I made when daddy called me for breakfast. I jumped up and headed to the kitchen. I quickly ate the omelet that Ryan made and headed back to my room to play.

            After a while I was bored and went to see if daddy was ready to take me to the lake. I walked over to the big hallway that connect daddy’s lair to Aesthyra’s lair. I was just about to enter when I heard Uncle Ryan shout a stream of bad words. I tiptoed over to Ryan’s room and peeked around the corner and saw Uncle Ryan putting out a fire.

            “Why is it whenever I try to make a new spell it’s always fire.” Ryan complained as he finished putting out another fire. I stood hidden by the mouth of the cavern as I watched Ryan sit down and cross his legs. I tried not to giggle as I watched Uncle Ryan make funny faces. I was just about to leave to find Daddy again when Ryan started to laugh.

            “I’ve done it, I’ve finally done it, now all will fear the great Ryan sorcerer extraordinaire, Mrs, Peterson will tremble before my might and wish she never made that math test.” Ryan laughed in a funny way. I looked back around and there were three little fires flying around Ryan’s head.

            “Wow, Uncle Ryan, how did you do that?” I asked running to play with the lights; I took two steps when a loud boom shook the room and made me fall on my butt. I could feel my eyes start to be all wet as I tried not to cry.

            “What happened?” Daddy said as he ran into the room. Daddy picked me up with his tail and let me hug him.

            “My… spell… ex…” Uncle Ryan mumbled.

            “Let me guess what happened,” Daddy said, “you were practicing and started to role play an evil sorcerer, you cast a spell and Azazel saw you and wanted to play. You lost your concentration and the spell exploded, sound about right?”

            “Yes,” Ryan sighed, “though, I will never admit that I was roleplaying.”

            “Azazel,” Daddy said as he moved me away from his nose, “did you interrupt Ryan when he was doing magic, even though you aren’t supposed to?”

            “Yes…” I sniffed, “I’m sorry.”

            Daddy looked at me for a few second before he sighed, “Azazel, you should leave Ryan alone when he is practicing magic. didn’t I tell you that we’ll go and play after lunch and that you should play with your block till then?”

            “Yes, but I wanted to go now,” I huffed.

            “We’re almost finished so we can go to the lake after lunch.” Daddy said as he let me hug his nose for a little bit longer.

            After we left Ryan’s room we went to have a sand-witch but I still don’t get why you want to put the yummy meat on bread.

“Fafnir… Fafnir.” Uncle Ryan whispered as he quietly entered the kitchen where we were eating our sandwitch.

            “Why are you whispering?” Daddy asked as he put his sand-witch down.

            “The crazy dragon-mom turned the bathroom into a sauna and it’s taking a nap in there.” Ryan said, while I tried to take some of the meat off daddy’s sand-witch.  

            “Come on, you’re a big bad sorcerer now, why are you afraid of Tanixathera…”  Daddy said but then he made that funny face he makes when he is thinking, “Scratch that, I could see why you would be afraid of her.”

            “What is wrong with you, you are seriously more concerned about my fear of a crazy god-dragon-mother-thing than the massive boiling inferno in the bathroom.” Ryan groaned.

            “When you put it that way I should probably go check on that” Daddy replied  and stood up, “Azazel, knowing tanix it might be a while, why don’t you play a bit in your room and when I am finished  we will head to the lake.”

            “But Daddy!” I said wanting to go to the lake now so I have more time to swim.

            “Azazel I’ll be back before you know it.” Daddy said and left to go see Aesthyra’s mommy.

            I walked back to my room, mad that we didn’t get to go to the lake right now, and that I had to wait forever before he would be back. I heard a loud crash right before I go to my room. I rushed inside to see if my castle was ok and in the center of the room was the roof crystal thing broke all over the floor.

            “Crystal thing, why did you fall and break?” I asked as I started to clean my room before daddy came in and says we can’t go to the lake until I clean my room. I went and get the broom thing that Ryan likes a lot and started to gather the shiny crystals. As I was cleaning I saw an extra shiny one buried that was slightly glowing. I picked up my new glowing treasure and found two other of the glowly extra shiny crystals and put them in my pocket next to its sisters.

I jumped as I heard someone say, “Azazel, could you put me and my sister rocks down?”

“Who’s there,” I said as I jumped into my blanket hoard.

“Don’t be afraid, I just want you to put me back with all the other crystals” the voice said,

I quickly dig out the three extra shiny glowy crystals and examined them for a few seconds, “How are you talking, Daddy says that rocks can’t talk.” I said as I watched the rocks.

“And your Daddy’s right, rocks can’t talk, but I am a crystal and not a rock so it’s fine if I can talk.” The rock said, “Now can you put me with my sister rocks so we can move back to the ceiling tonight?”

“But why would you want to be on the ceiling?” I asked wondering why it likes it up there.

“It is hard for me and my sister crystals to protect you if I am in your pocket so that is why I like the ceiling.” The crystal replied.

“Well then I can hold you and we can play, that way it will be easier to see me as I am closer.” I replied, “Maybe we can even go to the lake.”

“We can play for a bit but then you have to promise to put me back with all the other crystals on the floor.” The crystal said.

“Fine, but you have to be my friend and play other times too. Uncle Therin says it’s important to have friends,” I replied.

“Ok we can play other times just as long as you put me with the other crystals.” The crystal replied, “by the way my name is Nar’theradumo”

            “Ok, Narthefoma, I’m Azazel“ I replied, smiling that I just made a new friend.

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